There approximately a million mommy blogs on the net so a really valid question is why am I starting another one?
The answer is because I haven’t found a blog that speaks directly to my experience as a mom or to that of many of my friends. I can find blogs on homeschooling, being a stay at home mom, on potty training, on couponing, on meal planning, and a million other mom topics. These are great and don’t think I don’t read your content.
What I couldn’t find is a blog that talks about the real like struggles of attempting “to have it all” by having kids, a perfect home and climbing the corporate ladder. This isn’t to say others aren’t doing it (and likely better than I am at times) but I wanted a place to share it and let others share their stories.
This blog is for the mom who arrives at her morning coffee meeting for work, reaches into her Kate Spade bucket tote and instead of finding a pen and paper finds My Little Pony Panties (yep that was me) or the mom who feels like that have just hit a career high only to come home and realize that you put your kid in shoes that were too small that day and didn’t notice (yep also me and more than once). It is about the struggle of over achieving all your life and then hitting this stage in your life and trying to accept that you are going to spend a lot of time just being “okay” instead of “awesome”.
I hope you enjoy my stories. I would also love to hear yours. Drop me a comment or shoot me an email if you think you have an awesome story to share. The truth is we are all in this together and if we aren’t laughing about it together we will end up crying along. Always pick laughter.